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Comparison with fuel oil

Pellets – Is there any unanswered question?

There will be an increasing demand for pellets during the next few years. For this reason we have already prepared some plans to extend our business. As soon as this is possible in line with the market situation, we will put these plans into practice increasing our annual production to 200,000 tons per year which is almost twice the amount of our current annual production.However, it is the calculation of profitability that is decisive for you and that is to be made by taking into consideration the future heating system: fuel oil, gas, current or pellets?

Your source of energy is to be found in your immediate neighbourhood, to coin a phrase, in the Bavarian Forest, or more precisely in Hengersberg: Wood as a renewable resource, the availability and, first and foremost, the calorific value because

The calorific value of 2 tons of pellets is equal to the calorific value of 1,000 litres of fuel oil.

It's therefore worth comparing pellets with fuel oil, gas and current. The plans will work out.

Roland Mittermeier

Sales Manager, Holder of General Power of Attorney

Phone +49 9901 / 207-153

Fax      +49 9901 / 207-282

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Roman Preisinger

Phone +49 9901 / 207-158

Fax      +49 9901 / 207-157

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